Let’s talk bad champions

We all know ‘em. So, how about we compile a big ol’ collection of bad champs and what we feel can be changed about them to improve them in a reasonable and characteristically accurate way
I’ll start with one: Spider-Gwen should have a base evasion chance, and her L1 should have at least some damage to it
I’ll start with one: Spider-Gwen should have a base evasion chance, and her L1 should have at least some damage to it
but SG hits hard awakened. I really like it. she's definately a few steps up from luke cage, ant man, and she hulk.
Unavoidable damage (like spiked armour node) or would it be contact damage?
- First: His sig needs a buff: Remove the armor penalty after Arc Overload and buff up the regen + armor numbers more
- Second: When you fight a Tech Symbioid, you'll notice that when it uses its SP1 (Same SP1 as IP), it has a power drain. Why does a Tech Symbioid have an ability that IP doesn't even have despite having the EXACT same SP1? My suggestion? Add power drain to IP's SP1.
- Third: Increase or revamp IP's SP1/2 damage output. Right now, using IP's SP1/2 only aids your opponent since it does jack all damage and feeds them power instead, especially his SP2.
- Fourth: A different moveset. I mean, WM, IM and IP all share the same basic moveset, isn't it time to spice it up a little?
I believe these will or should increase IP's utility, even by a little bit.
my 50c
Contact damage, like maybe giving the backflip a kick or something