I love AA at 4/40 and use him for everything except bleed and poison immunes (which get Vision or X23) but it's hard to go past the triple immunity and ability to take a SP3.
AA ends fights fast but iceman is going to be better for stupid AI abilities (mephisto anyone?) and nodes designed to tank your wallet faster than an awakening gem offer before a nerf.
Boss rush mode should answer this question for you.
Ice all the way. Not a fan of aa for various reasons but realistically Iceman provides a utility you can't find elsewhere. Total immunity to damage causing debuffs. Except degen of course.
I know im in the vast minority, but i find archangel extremely over hyped.
AA ends fights fast but iceman is going to be better for stupid AI abilities (mephisto anyone?) and nodes designed to tank your wallet faster than an awakening gem offer before a nerf.
Ice all the way. Not a fan of aa for various reasons but realistically Iceman provides a utility you can't find elsewhere. Total immunity to damage causing debuffs. Except degen of course.