Gwenmaster tech phase bugged.

SJSSJS Member Posts: 15
In game name: Disco 007
Device and model: I-phone 8
Device op system: 14.7.1
Cellular or WiFi. Both
Game version installed: the most current to date.
Issues: I have 2 runs left at Gwenmaster. Currently I am sat at her after exhausting my item stash on the tech phase. Nothing is removing her armour ups. 4 hit light combo is doing nothing and fury unblockable doing nothing.


  • ChikelChikel Member Posts: 2,110 ★★★★
    Post video of your gameplay.
    What champion are you using and what paths did you take?
  • SJSSJS Member Posts: 15
    I had doom, warlock and Nick Fury in the Gwen master fight. Took path from CGR to red skull. Can’t post game play as I gave up after clearing my stash and her continuously gaining health due to the link node I left open from that path.
  • ccrider474ccrider474 Member Posts: 713 ★★★
    Out of curiosity did you get rid of her autoblock after sp use with a heavy counter? Just curious if it is a interaction with that.

    That phase is a bit weird I did it 100 before this months update and she wouldn't shift out of that phase after you completed it. She was trapped in tech for rest of the fight.

    I can't complain too much as science phase she would only gain one bar of power regardless of the timer unless I got rid of all her charges. Plus side made that phase extremely simple didn't deal enough damage evade sp1 and try again.
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