Cascading failure not able to purify debuffs using km and void synergy

If this isn’t a bug than it makes zero sense. He won’t shrug the debuffs no matter what in his current state. Im 100% sure it has to do with the half circles around the debuffs which I’m positive all these years have been placed there as a way for even champions who will counter it to not be able to Counter whatever the debuff or buff inside of them is. It’s not right kabam pls fix this and don’t create champions with abilities that can be useless against what they were designed for. It’s not right.
There are different categories, Buffs / Debuffs / Passive Effects. And Passives can‘t be purified.
I guess you are speaking of epic modificator on AQ, this sinergy just give to KM a chance tu shrug off debuffs, 30%, so you don't purify debuffs at the rate you want.