Hercules Buffed from Odin Gone on AQ

Our ally play map 7 AQ, and i bring Hercules for main attacker. I also bring Odin to give pre-fight for Hercules so in the section 2, i could take path 4 Buffed Up path (minimal 3 Buff for giving damage).
In sec 1, i give Odin prefight to Hercules. Then i finish my energies, and go to work (off game). When i login, i giving Hercules some sign stone, then i continue the game. When first fight in sec 2, the buff is gone. I check Odin, have no more prefight, it means i already use for Hercules. Thats my first bug happens (AQ day 1)
Two day after that, almost same story, but i didnt give any sign stone to Hercules. I login when sec 2, the buffs are gone. (AQ day 3).
I use Hercules+Odin prefight already since 2-3 weeks, only happen this 2 times.
Please for the help, thank you.
In sec 1, i give Odin prefight to Hercules. Then i finish my energies, and go to work (off game). When i login, i giving Hercules some sign stone, then i continue the game. When first fight in sec 2, the buff is gone. I check Odin, have no more prefight, it means i already use for Hercules. Thats my first bug happens (AQ day 1)
Two day after that, almost same story, but i didnt give any sign stone to Hercules. I login when sec 2, the buffs are gone. (AQ day 3).
I use Hercules+Odin prefight already since 2-3 weeks, only happen this 2 times.
Please for the help, thank you.