It was my best choice for R3, Guardian needs doubling and it has to be high.
This is totally not true. Guardian doesn’t need to be awakened, he does greatly benefit from it because it gives him a lot of utility. But he certainly doesn’t require it. He’s still got all the damage and is a really good champion unawakened.
Guardians awakened ability does absolutely nothing to his damage. His damage is still great without it. He still can perfect parry specials without it. He still has all of his power control without it. He was SIGNIFICANTLY better than Vision (who is on the bottom of the buff list since he's not in any basic crystals).
I'd love to hear your reasoning for Vision > Howard or Vision > war Machine also 🤔
Vision (both) only needs increased damage, low base damage and very little damage in specials, fights using it are very tiring. It would be nice to have an intangible mechanic.
I'd love to hear your reasoning for Vision > Howard or Vision > war Machine also 🤔
It would be nice to have an intangible mechanic.