5* Luke Cage worth it or not?

0casual00casual0 Member Posts: 457 ★★★
edited September 2021 in Strategy and Tips
To all Luke Cage's players out there, is 5* Luke Cage worth r4/r5? I have duped him for like 2-3 months but never really use him in any quests. I know he is a fun champ with a pretty good utility, but is he worth it in 2021? Is he good for high content like Act 6? Because I have a few science rank up gem, so it's definitely possible to r4 him.

5* Luke Cage worth it or not? 11 votes

R4/R5 worthy
SpeedbumpUnsilentEwell65SSS69Rax38HagureMeijinYodabolt21 6 votes
R3 only
Caleb1705LBN1 2 votes
Not worth at all...
Etjamademonslayer5NihalFayaz 3 votes
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