The Destroyer - Champion Idea

JaballyJabally Member Posts: 61
Context: for those that dont know it is the big metal fire dude that Thor and his lads fight in the second movie I think

I think this would be a cool champion idea- I don’t know if it would be a cosmic or a tech, but definitely lots of furies and armour up. Just an over all trucker. Thoughts?


  • MagonusMagonus Member Posts: 531 ★★★
    I like it. Could even be a Mystic Champ maybe? Also, it was from the end of the first Thor movie I believe.
  • JaballyJabally Member Posts: 61
    Magonus said:

    I like it. Could even be a Mystic Champ maybe? Also, it was from the end of the first Thor movie I believe.

    Oops my bad, thx for input
  • IRQIRQ Member Posts: 327 ★★
    Could work, not on my top priority list but it would a tually be nice to see him.

    But for a future reference, champion ideas have their own megathread in suggestions subforum.
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