Should Greater Solo Event Crystals have 3* stones in them?

I can't speak for anyone else however with current events, such as 6* champions surfacing, I think it's well past time the 3* awakening gems, sig stones and arena boosts stayed in the lesser solo crystals where they belong. There's no reason to have 2 nearly identical crystals made exclusively for solo events. I pop a lesser and a greater usually at the same time and get the same garbage from both of them.
If I even receive a generic 2* gem I have to sell it or it will just expire. I know I'm not the only one in this boat.
When you update one part of the game you need to keep the rest updated to remain on par. I'd be fine knowing the lesser crystals have only 2/3* trash in them as long as the more exclusive greaters had them completely removed.
If I even receive a generic 2* gem I have to sell it or it will just expire. I know I'm not the only one in this boat.
When you update one part of the game you need to keep the rest updated to remain on par. I'd be fine knowing the lesser crystals have only 2/3* trash in them as long as the more exclusive greaters had them completely removed.
Should Greater Solo Event Crystals have 3* stones in them? 5 votes
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