Ideas for an improved Profile screen in game

WhoDaPooWhoDaPoo Member Posts: 364 ★★★
I was watching some of the "State of the game" youtube videos and noticed a few mentions about personalization of the profile. Personalization is always a pain as it can be a lot of dev work for little pay out (if no one uses it) or opens to more bugs and security risks.

My thought would be that it might be nice to use the profile area as a show of statistics. We as summoners are in part defined by how we express ourselves (choosing a pfp and title) and by how we play the game. It would be interesting to see someone's top 5 used champions last week, month, or year to date. I find who someone brings to AQ, AW, and questing says much about them, and more than just the usual top 4 prestige champs.

I'm not sure what else is there that can come from user metrics, but I'd love to hear other's thoughts. Thanks for reading.
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