Champ unable to dash back while defender is doing a heavy….

iPad Pro 10.5
iOS: 14.7.1
Latest game version
Xfinity WiFi

This has been happening a lot since the major parry/Dex issue surfaced.

I have noticed it in other game formats, but have seen in the most in EQ. I thought this was just another component of the parry/Dex bug, but the most recent post about it convinced me I should bring this up as a separate issue.

Fighting in Cav EQ, this time, using Guardian against Stealth Suit Spider-Man. Fight is going ok. Spidey dashes I block, but not parry. Spidey makes the animation for winding up his heavy. I swipe left to dash back and Guardian just stays in the block pose and doesn’t move, resulting in taking a heavy to the face.

This is yet another reason people believe the input issues extend beyond just parry/Dex.

Could the ‘window’ shift noted for parry affect how dodging a heavy work? If not, then you have more input issues to look at;


Champs doing the wrong attack for the input (MLLLM turns into MLHeavy)

Champs dropping block randomly

Special attacks not activating when the button is pushed

Dashing back response issues
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