Guillotine Buff: Healing Boost request

Thank you so much Kabam for buffing Guillotine! She has been one of my most favorite champs since I started playing, and seeing her buff has made me so happy!
She has a lot more attack, about 1489 for just 10 charges (2234 at 15!). And she can finally sustain charges during longer fights! You even added a new way to gain charges.
However, there is only one thing that didn't really sit to well. Her new healing. I Absolutely LOVE the idea of the passive healing. However, it is too weak to really notice. Let me explain.
Before Buff:
- If I were to deal 4280 damage in a single hit with 8 Souls, I would heal roughly 110% of that at Sig 200 (4708 health regenerated). I would heal even more at 12 Souls.
After Buff
- If I were to deal 4280 damage in a single hit, I would heal about 86 health. That's less than 2% (About 1.8%) of the health I would have regened with 8 Souls.
That is a HUGE difference in healing. Now, I get why the healing needed to be toned down. With her new kit, she would be healing a whole LOT more. However, at only a 2% regen rate, her Regen is pretty useless without like 5-6 debuffs on the opponent. Even then, it would still be pretty small. with one debuff, you would Regen about 6 HP per second (2% of 347.4 damage per second. Her bleed/Rupture debuffs. *Note: This is not taking into account her attack increase). At 10, just a bit below 70 HP per second (69.48 to be exact). So, my request is that you could give a slight boost to her healing? Only up to like 4% or 5%. Even that would be enough for me.
Using the same scale as last time (4280 damage in a single hit), this is what her healing would look like
- (Base) 2%: 85.6 HP
- 4%: 171.2 HP
- 5%: 214 HP
It's not a whole lot, but they are definitely much better than 2%
Let's do the same with Damage over Time. Using the same scale as before (347.4 per second per bleed/Rupture).
-(Base) 2%: 7 (6.948) HP per second, per debuff
-4%: 14 (13.896) HP per second, per debuff
-5%: 17 (17.37) HP per second, per debuff
*Note: All the stats above do not include the healing bonus gained from the recovery Mastery
So, if you do see this, Kabam, please consider giving a boost to her Healing. I love what you have done with her this far, and all I want now is that she gets the healing she deserves. Thanks to those who read this! ~Sincerely, Someone who enjoys using Guillotine
She has a lot more attack, about 1489 for just 10 charges (2234 at 15!). And she can finally sustain charges during longer fights! You even added a new way to gain charges.
However, there is only one thing that didn't really sit to well. Her new healing. I Absolutely LOVE the idea of the passive healing. However, it is too weak to really notice. Let me explain.
Before Buff:
- If I were to deal 4280 damage in a single hit with 8 Souls, I would heal roughly 110% of that at Sig 200 (4708 health regenerated). I would heal even more at 12 Souls.
After Buff
- If I were to deal 4280 damage in a single hit, I would heal about 86 health. That's less than 2% (About 1.8%) of the health I would have regened with 8 Souls.
That is a HUGE difference in healing. Now, I get why the healing needed to be toned down. With her new kit, she would be healing a whole LOT more. However, at only a 2% regen rate, her Regen is pretty useless without like 5-6 debuffs on the opponent. Even then, it would still be pretty small. with one debuff, you would Regen about 6 HP per second (2% of 347.4 damage per second. Her bleed/Rupture debuffs. *Note: This is not taking into account her attack increase). At 10, just a bit below 70 HP per second (69.48 to be exact). So, my request is that you could give a slight boost to her healing? Only up to like 4% or 5%. Even that would be enough for me.
Using the same scale as last time (4280 damage in a single hit), this is what her healing would look like
- (Base) 2%: 85.6 HP
- 4%: 171.2 HP
- 5%: 214 HP
It's not a whole lot, but they are definitely much better than 2%
Let's do the same with Damage over Time. Using the same scale as before (347.4 per second per bleed/Rupture).
-(Base) 2%: 7 (6.948) HP per second, per debuff
-4%: 14 (13.896) HP per second, per debuff
-5%: 17 (17.37) HP per second, per debuff
*Note: All the stats above do not include the healing bonus gained from the recovery Mastery
So, if you do see this, Kabam, please consider giving a boost to her Healing. I love what you have done with her this far, and all I want now is that she gets the healing she deserves. Thanks to those who read this! ~Sincerely, Someone who enjoys using Guillotine
*Please note: I forgot to mention, but the stats in the first part of my post were taken from a r5 5*. So will this part of the post.
Let's back to the stats for the 4280 damage in a single hit. Here is what her healing would be at max Recovery. Just to keep things simple, I will round the previous healing stats to the nearest whole number. (*Max recovery is +15% Healing bonus in case you do not know where the +15% is coming from)
- (Base) 2%: 86 HP +15% = 99 HP (98.8 HP)
- 4%: 171 HP +15% = 197 HP (196.65 HP)
- 5%: 214 HP +15% = 246 HP (246.1 HP)
*Note: I did not use her attack increase in this example. I was just showing how much you would heal at a most likely normal hit. Obviously, the healing will go up with the more damage you deal.
Now let's do the same for her debuffs. This one is a bit tricky because I do not know how attack increase directly influences debuffs. So, we'll do it like this (*Note: Her debuffs without damage increase and with Recovery Is put last in case you wanted to see that)
- Her base attack (at r5 5*) will be 2482
- At 10 souls, she gains 1289 attack. This is roughly 60% of her base attack (59.99%).
- So, logically speaking, her debuffs will now deal 60% more damage.
- Debuff base damage is 347.4 per second per debuff. The extra attack makes that 556 (555.84) damage per second per debuff
With this, her healing becomes this:
Without Recovery:
- (Base) 2%: 11 HP (11.1168 HP) per second, per debuff
- 4%: 22 HP (22.2336 HP) per second, per debuff
- 5%: 28 HP (27.792 HP) per second, per debuff
With Recovery (+15%):
- (Base) 2%: 13 HP (12.78432 HP) per second, per debuff
- 4%: 26 HP (25.56864 HP) per second, per debuff
- 5%: 32 HP (31.9608 HP) per second, per debuff
With Recovery (+15%), but without Attack Increase:
- (Base) 2%: 8 HP (7.9902 HP) per second, per debuff
- 4%: 16 HP (15.9804 HP) per second, per debuff
- 5%: 20 HP (19.7455 HP) per second, per debuff
Not extremely important stuff, but it lets you grasp what her healing is and how much a boost would help. Please Kabam. Please boost her healing. Thanks for reading this! Sorry for all the numbers.