Magneto (White) - Pre Fight Abilities - Guidance Boost
Hello everyone,
I was wondering if anyone happen to know (or written somewhere). Is Magneto (White) - Pre Fight Abilities - Guidance Boost applied to 1 fight in 1 quest or all fights in that quest?
Many thanks
I was wondering if anyone happen to know (or written somewhere). Is Magneto (White) - Pre Fight Abilities - Guidance Boost applied to 1 fight in 1 quest or all fights in that quest?
Many thanks
So it applied to all champs in the team (that meet the requirement) but just for that 1 fight.
Thank you very much for further explaining it for me, that is good to know. Honestly, I never use White Mag (since I only got a 4* of him as well). So never full understand these bits in details.
Mainly right now only taking him along to sync and try to buff up Colossus a bit more, just try to work out if White Mag is a good supporter for a few fight only maybe his spot is better for someone else.
Thanks again for the additional information.
Basically, every time you have a hard time stunning the opponent and they aren't outright stun immune, try that ability and see if it works. It doesn't always work but you'll find yourself being able to deal with a lot of fights that were otherwise really hard. The only requirement is that the champions you use have to be either #hero or #metal for them to get those passive stuns. However, even if you bring a non-#metal #villain, they still get the attack boost from the ability so it's still really useful.
The one annoying thing is that it pushes you back slightly, which can mess with your heavy attacks immediately after parrying. So, the pre-fight is not ideal for Colossus since you can end up missing your attacks. That really threw me off when I was doing the latest Variant a few months ago.
Woh that is an amazing in depth explanation. So overall no for Colossus, but good support for other.
Thank you for your insight.
Definitely very interesting to know, I guess I need to play around a bit more.
Many thanks to everyone contributions.