Logging into thee game

Hey, everyone. A few hours ago I finally cleared my phone storage to be able to download the update for this for October. On checking PlayStore turn out there was an update for issues.bwasnt aware so I downloaded it, ever since then the app keeps closing automatically whenever o start it. I have no idea weather its my device or the update but any help would be nice
Post edited by Kabam Zibiit on
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Can you elaborate on "cleared phone storage"? Are you saying that you're phone's storage was so close to capacity that you had to delete things to make room to download the game? If so, how close are you to max storage now that you've downloaded an update?
How the storage (used vs overall) on your phones internal storage?
Also, how much RAM does your device have. If only 2Gb, that may be cutting it close for where the game is currently.
Have you tried force stopping all of your other applications before launching MCOC?
I have a Samsung Galaxy S20 5G, and I can see mine by going to Settings>Battery and Device Care>Memory.
As you can see, MCOC is currently using 2.5GB of RAM on my device, and it's in the background, so you can assume that goes higher when you're actively playing.
I'm sure a quick Google search, something to the effect of "Nokia 4.2 how to see RAM" will show you how to find that on your device.
Happy grinding!