Season 9 AQ Information..?

With the release notes of 32.3, no where it's mentioned about season 9 AQ or anything regards to updating it.... When are we expecting the season to be updated and the glory store as well which is pretty outdated in terms of price to the value of shards/ materials available there... @Kabam Miike we are already 9 months plus into season 8 which is the longest I believe.. any update on it as to when can we expect it would be pretty helpful ... I know it was mentioned in the dev diaries but since then we haven't Heard anything about it....
Also the amount of Shard's received from crystal openings from map 5 or higher should receive a buff... Pretty less compared to the current rank up materials needed to rank up a 6* champ..
Also the amount of Shard's received from crystal openings from map 5 or higher should receive a buff... Pretty less compared to the current rank up materials needed to rank up a 6* champ..