Need help with 7.2.2 bishop

I’ve been working through 7.2 exploration and there’s a bishop in the second quest that I’m having a bunch of trouble with.
Here are his nodes.

I’m having two problems; the first is bishop is a lot more annoying of a defender after his buff and the second is this is a mystic path and none of my mystics work against bishop. Because of the second thing, you have to deal with all of the negatives given by the nodes but none of the positives because you can’t use a mystic. I assume most people did this before bishop’s buff (all of the guides on this path are from before), but I was wondering if anyone had any idea for good champions for this fight? Here’s my roster if that helps. Thanks.

Here are his nodes.

I’m having two problems; the first is bishop is a lot more annoying of a defender after his buff and the second is this is a mystic path and none of my mystics work against bishop. Because of the second thing, you have to deal with all of the negatives given by the nodes but none of the positives because you can’t use a mystic. I assume most people did this before bishop’s buff (all of the guides on this path are from before), but I was wondering if anyone had any idea for good champions for this fight? Here’s my roster if that helps. Thanks.

Personally I would ignore the mystic node and just use any regular counter.
- Vulture is incenerate immune and can constantly power drain Bishop to keep his power low
- Havok would go crazy from all that energy damage and he's got a high energy resistance.
- Hulkbuster with tech power boosts can shut down Bishop after the first sp2
If you purify his debuffs, you take a ton of energy damage
But that fight is treating immunity like purify.
Tried with several incinerate immunes.
Massive damage with no debuff indicator.
That is what it looks like with his debuff,purify, energy damage mechanic.
Please try it yourself.
1) who did you use?
2) do you have beta contols on?
I used colossus, HT, claire (incinerate mode), havok.
I had the beta ON.
Got the energy damage every time
Still got energy damage when immunity happened
Did you have beta controls on?
I don’t know how to record fights
Incinerate immunity not acting as a purify now.
Thanks everyone for your help.