What's the deal with Mythic shard rarity?

Six star shards are plentiful these days (for Thronebreaker at least), you get pretty much a new six star each month through a side quest alone.
Updated war rewards, cav EQ, Incursions etc - between all of those you easily get a few six stars a month.
Why is it going to take months to form a crystal that gives you a chance at a six star?
Have they mentioned this anywhere that I might have missed? A plan to increase availability of these shards/crystals?
Just seems that the rarity vs reward doesn't quite add up for these.
Updated war rewards, cav EQ, Incursions etc - between all of those you easily get a few six stars a month.
Why is it going to take months to form a crystal that gives you a chance at a six star?
Have they mentioned this anywhere that I might have missed? A plan to increase availability of these shards/crystals?
Just seems that the rarity vs reward doesn't quite add up for these.
It kind of feels a bit "too little, too late", though. If they had been introduced at the beginning of the year, I would have been hyped. Now I'd rather just get 6* shards since those are the champs I'm almost exclusively ranking up. Getting at least a guaranteed 5* is certainly not bad but I'm not as excited by it as I would have been half a year ago.
But it certainly beats getting a 3*!