Evade and lag

Mystic_ReaperMystic_Reaper Member Posts: 52
After your emergency maintenance a few hours after the scheduled maintenance the ridiculous lag, screen freezing and evade issues have gotten worse again.
The community is getting frustrated and angry.
I don't know if you know or even care but it's at the point that there is a lot of talk of another boycott.
I suggest you do yourself and the playing community a solid and focus on getting this fixed ASAP to avoid the escalation by the community.
I know I may get an infraction due to my use of the B word but I'm trying to do good both you and the community.


  • chaos3430chaos3430 Member Posts: 126
    Working as intended, you die more often as they figure it out for Months, using all your heals and revives, having to use units and cash for more, especially in AQ and AW. This has been on going since March 1st with no end in sight, they won't even talk to the community openly about it. You been Kabaamed!
  • chaos3430chaos3430 Member Posts: 126
    This is why i stopped ACT 5, Master Mode, RTTL, etc. I won't buy anymore of these ridiculous deals that are twice as expensive with half the rewards from just a few months ago either. No more spending until they fix the mechanics and return the deals to the previous cost efficiency.
  • TigerhalseyTigerhalsey Member Posts: 19
  • Mcord11758Mcord11758 Member Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    I hammered out 4.4 and 4.5 of rtl yesterday cause my stash of items was over flowing. That being said, these bugs are making that content much harder than it should be
  • Doc_HollamonDoc_Hollamon Member Posts: 173
    The lag is costing me matches. I'll try to chain my special to end of my combo but it'll lag right before the last hit. What will happen is my champ will stop mid hit and fire off their special. So I'll do MLLL then on my last M it'll stop half way during the hit which causes my special to be blocked which gets me comboed into oblivion
  • JessieSJessieS Member Posts: 1,613 ★★★★★
    edited February 2022
    I made a thread about the insane lag yesterday and it has been blowing up . The problem seems to be quite spread and makes the game extremely annoying . I am honestly baffled that Labam won’t even make a simple “ we are looking into “ message . I hope they at least give us proper compensation.
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