Whom to r4 5*

AidenTheWiseAidenTheWise Member Posts: 311 ★★
edited October 2021 in Strategy and Tips
Finally finished the Shang Chi quest with basically only max 4* duped Corvus. We’re not even going to discuss how many potion revives and units it cost me. But It’s not something I would wish upon even my worst enemies let me tell you that. Here are my spoils from war…

My take: Venom is amazing. 6* classic black panther is not who I was hoping for but nowhere near as horrible as it could have been. I also now face the dilemma of whom to r4. I haven’t taken anyone to r4 yet so this is important. I have multiple t2a cats going to expire within 10 days and I don’t want them to go to waste. Here are my options…

Whom to r4 5* 36 votes

RavenKeeper 1 vote
SquirrelguyHiwoe 2 votes
Apoc (r2 right now)
Malreck04Moosetiptroniczeezee57EtjamaCh123Thoye3ReignkingTWRenaxqqRax38SkyLord7000FTPAllDayWill3808Avicci999Shannokwillrun4adonutKonstant45Detective_PikachuYou_Know_MeRiptide368isotired 21 votes
CGR (r1 right now)
ZADO1991HoitadoScrubhanSoulcrishersherin_66jbxotiicNalak8Maybe455 8 votes
Guardian (r2 right now)
SpideyFunkoReal_Madrid_76_2 2 votes
CMM (r2 right now)
MutantA___4444 1 vote
Wordunken 1 vote
Post edited by Kabam Valiant on


  • Riptide368Riptide368 Member Posts: 114
    Apoc (r2 right now)
    If you have someone to pair with that apoc, then rank him up. If you don’t then I would do cgr.
  • You_Know_MeYou_Know_Me Member Posts: 73
    Apoc (r2 right now)
    go for apoc for you have AA and stryfe. You can keep cgr on your bucket list.
  • Malreck04Malreck04 Member Posts: 3,335 ★★★★★
    Apoc (r2 right now)
    Apoc and Stryfe is a great duo. Stryfe gives Apoc damage, horseman gives Stryfe unblockable for little work
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★

    Sorry for the yelling, but I feel like he is consistently undervalued, and just a fun character with wacky animations. I get that he is not for everyone, but I happen to love him.
  • AidenTheWiseAidenTheWise Member Posts: 311 ★★


    Sorry for the yelling, but I feel like he is consistently undervalued, and just a fun character with wacky animations. I get that he is not for everyone, but I happen to love him.

    Nah your right Spiderham is so awesome. Also so much fun to play.
  • TragiC_XTragiC_X Member Posts: 50
    Apoc (r2 right now)
    You did chapter 2 at that stage in progression?

    Apoc and stryfe is great

    CGR is great too
  • AidenTheWiseAidenTheWise Member Posts: 311 ★★
    TragiC_X said:

    You did chapter 2 at that stage in progression?

    Apoc and stryfe is great

    CGR is great too

    Yeah bro using Corvus cheat code. Honestly once I got Corvus ramped up I could solo She-Hulk, Mr. Negative, and Sunspot easily. Those fights were honestly pretty enjoyable. But then Tigra and Hit-Monkey were so hard. Hit monkey had protection so I could only take off bits of his health before I used all of my charges and then had to revive. Then Tigra was so dumb because some fights she would be hyper-aggressive where other fights she would be super passive. Shang chi was actually pretty easy tho. Not a one shot because I would run out of charges for power, but I was able to take off 25%-30% of his health each revive
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  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,579 ★★★★★
    Guardian (r2 right now)
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