About that alliance event reward tune up

Saw the announcement in-game a couple hours ago and if this is referring to what I think it’s referring to (SA, Item Use, Arena Wins, etc.) then THANK YOU!! Finally!! Couple weeks ago we got an actual number rank in SA and we were like, whatever man. Seriously needed a buff for awhile.
That said all the announcement says is you’ve changed the rewards but I haven’t seen any change yet and there’s no details on how many events are being updated or what the new rewards will look like. Hope it’s spicy enough to start paying attention to these things again. Any details?
That said all the announcement says is you’ve changed the rewards but I haven’t seen any change yet and there’s no details on how many events are being updated or what the new rewards will look like. Hope it’s spicy enough to start paying attention to these things again. Any details?