Ghost Rider should have no soul

Come on Kabam we all know Ghost Rider has no soul therefore when Mephisto KO’s GR he should not gain souls. Either I’m missing something and need to be enlightened or Kabam is failing really hard right now.
Why are you not asking how Duck can beat Dorm in the game instead, is it because you realise its a game and the characters have to be more level than the comics for the game to work?
Exactly, or else we would all be struggling beating thanos in chapter 3.
Gr is also immortal in canon, but why would kabam make him immortal in the game? The game has to be balance in one way or another.
Well, I hat to break it for you, but there is an actual comics derived from MCOC, and in this comics, the characters that are brought to the contest come from the actual marvel comics world.
So, don't act like you know better than any other else, and if the mods tell you this is not the comics world, they (again) don't have a clue.
We all understand there's a need for balance, as explained for your (quite unclear) Howard example, but in the case of a clearly unbalanced Mephisto/Ghost rider comparison, having a Ghost Rider without a soul (as in comics) would not be game changing.
You are absolutely 100% right.
But he IS immortal in the game. As are every other characters, otherwise you could use them only one.
KO'ed doesn't mean dead.
You are correct!!! Well done. The characters come from the comics, but the game then takes those characters and changes them so the game works
Like I explained before, Marvel do this themselves many times in the MCU to make them make sense
But I love the fact that the people who run this company and game and obvs have many many meetings with the head honchos at Marvel over every little thing, have no clue about the characters according to you! The literally deal with the people who create, develop, write and draw the characters for the comics, but you know more than them!!
That makes sense
There's clearly not point discussing with you as you obviously are in the meetings you are referring to.
FYI, in the character sheet for Ghost Rider IN THE GAME (not in the comics), the first sentence says he was tricked to sell his soul to Mephisto.
Can you quote during which meeting exactly it was said that, finally he could lose the soul the doesn't have anymore ?
err, hate to break this to you buddy, but these characters in the game, you know they arent real dont you? In fact, they are real in in real life, you do know that?
And ? Your point is ?
Lucbob, there's no point trying to explain something to him.
When does he LOSE his soul? It gets imprisoned, it never states anywhere that GR loses his soul to Mephisto. He also gains soul charges when he KOs someone, but again, never does it state that he takes your soul for good
Ill wait for your reply?
That you said they were immortal, which means they would have to be alive for that to be true. As they don't exist they aren't alive and aren't immortal
Thats my point
and its suddenly gone very quiet!! lol
But GR should be incinerate immune.
Boom! Problem solved.