This games problems

SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
Ok ill try not to be rude but this game has had lots of unsolved bugs for months now and you guys either say you are working on it or take it as something you have never even heard of when it has been a known bug for a while I did not need to use resources in the new challenges but due to these same problems in this unstable game that is the only thing causing lots of us to use resources. An example is blocking you sped up the animation right well how come the A.I. is the only one being benifited from this they recover after their specials and attacks so damn fast whereas say if I want to block like that my champs stand there waiting to get smacked in the face. You have reaped a lot of money from these constant problems for lots of months now just fix them ASAP please.


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