Klyntar Katalyst

I don't know if there is info somewhere I've missed.
But can we get an idea of how many katalysts are needed total to max out lil Steve? I want to be able to plan my side quest runs accordingly
And if I'm perfectly honest I don't feel I can do legendary for an entire month
But can we get an idea of how many katalysts are needed total to max out lil Steve? I want to be able to plan my side quest runs accordingly
And if I'm perfectly honest I don't feel I can do legendary for an entire month
Will probably do Epic difficulty once my stash is empty of revives and potions.
And settle with a R4 Summoned Symbioid with a red spiral face for all eternity.
if you do 10 Epic and 18 Legendary, you can get 240 catalysts... while having almost no time to use the Symbioid at r5 in Cosmic Horror
Assuming 28 total days, you cannot do less than 18 Legendary runs.
- 17L 11E gives 236
- 16L 12 E gives 232
- 15L 13 E gives 228
- 19L 9 E gives 244
and so on