Is the Side Quest really that bad?

IronAvengerIronAvenger Member Posts: 373 ★★
For context: I’m a Cavalier player, but have only progressed to 6.2.1 in Story Mode.

After all the negative feedback on the forum regarding the difficulty of this month’s Side Quest, I was like, screw it… I’m going for a run in Legendary to see how hard it really is. To be honest, it’s not that bad. Well the quest I chose anyway.

I decided to run Quest 3 (Symbiotic Enhancement Hive), which gives 7 x 5* sig stone crystals, 500 x 6* shards, and 10 x Klyntar Katalysts. (By the end of the event that equals 196 x 5* sig stone crystals, 14,000 x 6* shards, and 280 x Klyntar Katalysts.) I’ve got a few 5* champs I want to max sig, and I need to expand my 6* roster, so this quest was an easy choice for me. (I also noted that if I do Epic, I won’t be able to max out the Summoned Symbiote: Epic will only give a max of 168 Klyntar Katalysts – the Symbiote needs 240 to reach Rank 5!)

Drax and Symbiote Spidey were no match for my 5* Venom (5/65 sig 200), and my 5* Red Magneto (5/65 sig 1) made Wolverine look very silly indeed!

I’ll be interested to hear any alternative champs y’all have used as counters to the above 3 defenders.

(Fingers crossed that I don’t pull a champ like 6* Iron Patriot with the shards from this Side Quest.)


  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,887 ★★★★★
    edited October 2021
    I appreciate the thoughtfulness you put into your post. I think the side quest difficulty depends on which quest you choose. AV gets a lot of gripes that are justified in my view. Others seem more straightforward.

    Dr. Zola
  • Total_Domin01Total_Domin01 Member Posts: 1,015 ★★★★
    Mole man works on sym Spidey.
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    From what I've heard so far, the 3rd one with Symbiote Spidey is the easiest one & comparatively a lot easier than other chapters
    Agent Venom is being said to be the hardest, followed by Symbiote Supreme chapter
  • WayntosWayntos Member Posts: 601 ★★
    Its not that difficult, it's just so monotonous. no real challenge and the rewards very lack luster. Well I guess the true reward is getting lil Steve and anti-venom....still such a boring and tedious event that in my opinion fell flat.
  • rockykostonrockykoston Member Posts: 1,505 ★★★★

    Mole man works on sym Spidey.

    This ^

    Moleman, Prof X, Torch, Nick Fury - those are my best options, in that order.
  • ImranImran Member Posts: 587 ★★★
    edited October 2021
    Run quest 1, Agent venom will eat u with his just 1 sp1. Lol.
  • Mik81Mik81 Member Posts: 92 ★★
    Falcon does well against the Cosmic Spider.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 8,887 ★★★★★
    On the bright side, these quests provide the team with a proven framework for how to buff Agent Venom so he’s useful.

    Dr. Zola
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