Hi, we are experiencing serious in-game laggy & frame rate drop.
It's been months and the problem is not solving. Game smoothing is a critical issue for us to proceed the game.
We believe this issue happen on most of the devices / operating system nowadays when running the game.
Appreciate if this issue can be fixed soonest as possible as a PRIORITY.


  • vaxchengvaxcheng Member Posts: 5
    Bus82 said:

    You gotta a better chance of seeing bigfoot riding the lochness monster than them getting this fixed anytime soon

    Yeah... you got the point... they seems to be letting the game going downhill
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,468 ★★★★★
    There is a thread somewhere with nearly a couple thousand posts. It’s ongoing and honestly improving incrementally at best. The main thrust is the parry/dex bug, but I think some of those incidents are related to what you experience.

    I encounter what I would call “stutter”—as if the game skips a frame or two, most frequently near hit box impact. Common examples are parrying when swiping back on a node that reflects parry, frame drop when back swiping to avoid opponent heavy, or generally experiencing stuttery frames intermittently during fights. It can be very costly.

    I’m not sure what to tell you. It’s been months and the team has reportedly decided that “memory leak” is the issue.

    I’d have to assume at some stage people simply say enough is enough if that fix doesn’t come soon. The team apparently seems to think dripping stuff out now and then is sufficient to keep people invested, but I wonder.

    Dr. Zola
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