Join the revolution

New alliance starting after war season looking for recruits
War and aq focused
War 3 bgs full diversity and set lanes
Aq looking to run map 655×5 epic and master mods
Are you looking for a change when season rewards are out join us we won't ask you to do out apart from join aq and war help the team.
Min prestige 9k
Must be active if your interested add me on line app let's chat and I'll keep you a spot for after the season ends 🤟
Andy07071987 line id
War and aq focused
War 3 bgs full diversity and set lanes
Aq looking to run map 655×5 epic and master mods
Are you looking for a change when season rewards are out join us we won't ask you to do out apart from join aq and war help the team.
Min prestige 9k
Must be active if your interested add me on line app let's chat and I'll keep you a spot for after the season ends 🤟
Andy07071987 line id