Summer Event

SpielernameSpielername Member Posts: 133
The summer camp event will be ending in 2 days. Will there be another possibility to catch up on a few missed days (maybe another offer to buy a week) or something similar?
It would suck to miss out on 1k units and the rest of the summer canteen


  • DontsellthemDontsellthem Member Posts: 813 ★★★
    Same here. Late to the summoner thing this year.

    I’m guessing since they sold 7 days for 5 bucks for several week. Chances are they will sell the rest of missed days for a lump sum.

  • Man_BatMan_Bat Member Posts: 332 ★★
    Normally the boosts are available on Wednesdays, but since this event ends on Wednesday morning, I'd say there won't be any more boosts.
  • DontsellthemDontsellthem Member Posts: 813 ★★★
    Event ends but the store is still open for 8 more days
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