How many completed September for October objectives?

I really think it is bad idea to continue this in future. I was busy in September and didn’t complete objectives. I can’t enjoy October quest now.
How many completed September for October objectives? 120 votes
Yess..I completed September objectives
111 votes
No…i was busy
4 votes
No…I didn’t play due to bugs
5 votes
I hate myself.
Even before September objectives were released they told that October required the September objectives to be done.
If you want to get free candy then play CandyCrush 🍬
Sorry if you found me rude but if they gave you all the October things for free then it will not be fair to the large amount of players who grinded themselves in September
1) cheese the 3-star objective using Sorc sup with storm PX synergy in rttl 1.1.5. After specials, story quest was done with auto fight and symbiotes were in a particular level.
2) work on 6-star objective organically, mostly in cavalier and UC EQ.
3) get the story content objective after 7.3 launched. Used icarus level for the rest. I also used 6.1.1 for the uncollected story mode objective and the TB symbiote objective at the same time.
I'm kinda slow burning atm, not really too fussed about getting all rewards available.
I just hope they don't make this a regular thing. Now and again is fine, but I prefer not having to grind to unlock a SQ which is also in itself a very grindy one.