If it was my account, I'd take Quake to R5. She's not available as a 6* and if you get really good with her she is a killer for so much. Otherwise, stick to a 6* like that Human Torch, Warlock, and Sorcerer Supreme.
Sorcerer and Ultron stands out for me from your 6stars. I’d focus on these 2 unless you pull other good or better 6stars. Some 5stars are still good to rank up sometimes for synergy and if they’re good getting some use out of them when needed. Also those that required max sig to be useful it doesn’t hurt to rank them up. Besides Quake I’m not sure if any of your other 5s stands out. But I’d say if you’re not good with her don’t bother ranking her up. Depending on your progression and maybe skill level, you might not even have a lot of use for her. But get good with her first, then rank her if you will need her.
Thanks @J0eySn0w@JMORG1111@Riptide Really appreciate the feedback. Sounds like 6* Sorc Sup is getting alot of love here. Good to know.
She is that good. Mine is at 6R3 and sees just as much work as my 6R3 Doom. She is another one that requires some skill, though. It's about timing and getting the right specials in the right situation.