Quest for skillfull players

Special side quest, the idea is to give recognition to all skillfull players like swedeah.
Quest with only 1 boss, really nasty beefy boss.
Player can only bring 1 usable hero + 1 or 2 unusable hero, synergy purpose.
Reward based on how well your first fight.
1 shot boss get exclusive reward (tittle, t6b, t6a, nexus, you named it) than 2x attempt (t5c, nexus),
and so on (3x get %t5c & nexus)
Maybe with limitation max 5 revives, so player dont take this as a money grab.
Btw i only have 1x 6* r3, so i dont represent what so called skillfull player ..... just anticipating if someone gets offended by this post
Quest with only 1 boss, really nasty beefy boss.
Player can only bring 1 usable hero + 1 or 2 unusable hero, synergy purpose.
Reward based on how well your first fight.
1 shot boss get exclusive reward (tittle, t6b, t6a, nexus, you named it) than 2x attempt (t5c, nexus),
and so on (3x get %t5c & nexus)
Maybe with limitation max 5 revives, so player dont take this as a money grab.
Btw i only have 1x 6* r3, so i dont represent what so called skillfull player ..... just anticipating if someone gets offended by this post