What do you buy with your incursion artifacts?

I've always just bought basic Crystal's with mine. I would buy regular 4 star Crystal's then when I was able I started buying regular 5 star Crystal's. I have purchased the 2k 6 star shards 1 time when I was able to form a full crystal but other than that I have always thought that they were pretty spendy for the amount of shards. I haven't bought any of the incursion Crystal's or any of the potions. I'm curious first if people buy the 6 star shards at such a high price as well as what you typically buy with your artifacts?
The search for iso never ends....
Dr. Zola
Buying 4 stars sounds like the way to go to get iso and that's definitely something I will keep in mind.
I was going to buy a 5 star but there isn't really too many I want or need other than like ghost or cosmic ghost rider and I didn't see them in the current incursion Crystal's.
It would be nice for an update to the incursion store with a reduced cost to the shards or an introduction of a full basic 6 star and also 6 star incursion Crystal's. But I'd be concerned about the cost of them.
What are people's thoughts on the limited pool Crystal's?
Same, just 6* shards