
On the subject of error handling, could you remove the requirement that we press a button to reconnect every time your game decides we've not looked at it recently enough? Just put up an informative notice saying 'reconnecting' and get on with it.
Yes, I know this might increase your server load a tiny fraction, but I'd argue it would actually reduce it because you wouldn't have all those times that people forget to press the button, then notice and press it a bit later, then forget, then press it again, then forget, then press it again, over and over. Just get on with the game, already.
Yes, I know this might increase your server load a tiny fraction, but I'd argue it would actually reduce it because you wouldn't have all those times that people forget to press the button, then notice and press it a bit later, then forget, then press it again, then forget, then press it again, over and over. Just get on with the game, already.