Mags (Duped) or Cable (Unduped) to R3

OmnaskullOmnaskull Member Posts: 83
edited October 2021 in Strategy and Tips
Hard decision, got big daddy apoc as a R3, both champs op, does Cable get a deacent dmg increase when R3?


  • AncelAncel Member Posts: 109
    Why would anybody r3 cable lol
  • ErcarretErcarret Member Posts: 3,069 ★★★★★
    Ancel said:

    Why would anybody r3 cable lol

    You're not aware of the synergy he has with Apocalypse, I take it?

    OP: I only have those two champs as 5*s so take my advice with a bit of salt, but generally speaking I'd say that Mags probably needs the boost less than Cable does. Mags is so well-protected vs metal champions that I feel like he's a little more safe than Cable. Both rely on the same parry-heavy playstyle but Cable has nothing soaking up the damage the way Magneto has. As such, I'd probably go with Cable. You're also more likely to bring him into content since he'll go wherever Apocalypse goes, while Magneto is more of a niche champion (even if "anti-metal" is, admittedly, a pretty broad niche).
  • OmnaskullOmnaskull Member Posts: 83
    Ercarret said:

    Ancel said:

    Why would anybody r3 cable lol

    You're not aware of the synergy he has with Apocalypse, I take it?

    OP: I only have those two champs as 5*s so take my advice with a bit of salt, but generally speaking I'd say that Mags probably needs the boost less than Cable does. Mags is so well-protected vs metal champions that I feel like he's a little more safe than Cable. Both rely on the same parry-heavy playstyle but Cable has nothing soaking up the damage the way Magneto has. As such, I'd probably go with Cable. You're also more likely to bring him into content since he'll go wherever Apocalypse goes, while Magneto is more of a niche champion (even if "anti-metal" is, admittedly, a pretty broad niche).
    You got many good points there, thanks buddy! Yes, I did R3 Cable, NO regrets, he is just melting stuff that comes in his way ;)
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