Who is the most dumb champion

Daddysboy215Daddysboy215 Member Posts: 2
edited October 2017 in General Discussion

Who is the most dumb champion 34 votes

Ms.Marvel (Kamala Khan)
DaMunkDL864Rotmgmoddyroy505Balm82Jwallace25sha2356__KestrelleR4GEDaddysboy215SgtAnime1ViciousJComedianFool13 13 votes
Iron Patriot
YellsomeAnonymous346 2 votes
Luke Cage
FlazinatorTitan_A97xtremegamerSuperman69Pe3kSonOfGwynSummonerB2StingerbkCrystalVis123456789Wabzi 11 votes
Joe Fixit
Spity68Nico010915RaaShaheerFIaz 4 votes
SungjAlCapone2727Arus25dolann__ 4 votes


  • xoRIVALoxxoRIVALox Member Posts: 247
    "most dumb"
    My vote is DaddysBoy215
  • dolann__dolann__ Member Posts: 98
    Black Bolt
  • AddyosAddyos Member Posts: 1,094 ★★★★
    Dumbest, not most dumb. Yeah I'm being a grammar ****, but come on. At least have a proper sentence for the title of a thread.
    This is a dumb poll btw. There are other champs that can do things better than those listed above, but that doesn't mean they are useless or 'dumb'. Each champ has their uses.
  • RotmgmoddyRotmgmoddy Member Posts: 916 ★★★
    Ms.Marvel (Kamala Khan)
    Addyos wrote: »
    Dumbest, not most dumb. Yeah I'm being a grammar ****, but come on. At least have a proper sentence for the title of a thread.
    This is a dumb poll btw. There are other champs that can do things better than those listed above, but that doesn't mean they are useless or 'dumb'. Each champ has their uses.

    Actually, even dumbest would have been a wrong word to use for this poll's title. Correct term should be "weakest" or "least favourite", hence "Who is your least favourite champ" or "who is the weakest champ".

    Out of personal opinion, Kamala Khan has got to be one of the worst. She seems like she should be focusing on raw damage from her furies, but her fury effects aren't even that strong even when stacked. Other champions who focus on raw damage like Crossbones, Hyperion or Drax are not only more effective in doing so, they are more efficient and easier to pull off. Not to mention the fact that those 3 mentioned champions have other abilities that compliment their damage output, like incinerate, Overrun and bleed.
  • Superman69Superman69 Member Posts: 534 ★★★
    Luke Cage
    I'd take my girl Kamala any day over Luke Cage.

    If you say he's bleed immune, will you ever use him in Map 5/6 bleed paths or AW offense ? Safe to say you won't.
    Plus Kamala's poison immune so equals out.
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