LF 5 Gold 3/2 AQ 5x5 Line required US or International but must communicate in English

We were gold 2 but dropped to gold 3 with only 2 bgs this war season. looking for 5 to get us back to 3 bgs. Our alliance prestige is 10K but I am willing to accept people lower who are willing to work as a team in AQ and participate in wars. we are mostly thronebreaker and some cavalier but we like map 5 rewards for less stress vs map 6 or higher. we have people all over the world in the alliance (china, germany, lebannon, etc.) so we communicate in English so everyone can understand. come join a chill group willing to help you grow.
Alliance tag BLOme
line ID Desiree616
Alliance tag BLOme
line ID Desiree616