I think it depends on how many champs at each rarity you have, but below is how I approach arena:
Featured 6 star arena: use all of my 6's and can almost complete all milestones in 3 runs through. However, I will usually run 2-3 teams of my top 6 stars in the AM while waking up to ensure that I can overflow some on the last round to the basic arena.
Basic 6 star arena: use all of my 5's and after 3 runs of 5 stars and left over 6 stars I can hit all the milestones.
Summoner trials: Depending on my time sometimes I only grab the first few milestones, sometimes I go up to 1.5M. I know it's one of the best arenas for units but seeing the small amount of points compared to 5/6 stars gets me bored in this arena.
I will say that I wouldn't be able to do nearly as much grinding if I was not using suicides. They speed up the fights so much, I'd probably rather quit the game than have to play w/o them.
Generally I can get between 1000-1700 units per week (counting the unit 5 dollar card and stuff like finishing the event quests for units ect). I'll usually do this for an hour or two and watch a show or something and just wind down from my day. I know most people don't enjoy arena, however I find it calming for w/e reason.
As for battle chips: during 4th of July i saved up about 4.5 million and popped them all to use them for the unit deals. I realize now counting on x amount of units from a specific amount of units is a fool's errand as I got about 2k less than I expected. Now, I like to pop bc's at 100k and just stick to the lowest tier arena crystals. I know they are all the same drop rate, but hurts a lot less when they only cost several thousand bc's per crystal in my mind.
Boosts: I am pretty good at using my 3 star boosts, but suck using any others. I have over 600 of those supreme crystals just sitting around. It is what it is.
Sorry for the long post, but hopefully someone finds it helpful. Happy grinding!
I think it depends on how many champs at each rarity you have, but below is how I approach arena:
Featured 6 star arena: use all of my 6's and can almost complete all milestones in 3 runs through. However, I will usually run 2-3 teams of my top 6 stars in the AM while waking up to ensure that I can overflow some on the last round to the basic arena.
Basic 6 star arena: use all of my 5's and after 3 runs of 5 stars and left over 6 stars I can hit all the milestones.
Summoner trials: Depending on my time sometimes I only grab the first few milestones, sometimes I go up to 1.5M. I know it's one of the best arenas for units but seeing the small amount of points compared to 5/6 stars gets me bored in this arena.
I will say that I wouldn't be able to do nearly as much grinding if I was not using suicides. They speed up the fights so much, I'd probably rather quit the game than have to play w/o them.
Generally I can get between 1000-1700 units per week (counting the unit 5 dollar card and stuff like finishing the event quests for units ect). I'll usually do this for an hour or two and watch a show or something and just wind down from my day. I know most people don't enjoy arena, however I find it calming for w/e reason.
As for battle chips: during 4th of July i saved up about 4.5 million and popped them all to use them for the unit deals. I realize now counting on x amount of units from a specific amount of units is a fool's errand as I got about 2k less than I expected. Now, I like to pop bc's at 100k and just stick to the lowest tier arena crystals. I know they are all the same drop rate, but hurts a lot less when they only cost several thousand bc's per crystal in my mind.
Boosts: I am pretty good at using my 3 star boosts, but suck using any others. I have over 600 of those supreme crystals just sitting around. It is what it is.
Sorry for the long post, but hopefully someone finds it helpful. Happy grinding!