I’m Terrified for Next Weeks Single Player Comp, here’s Why….

Isopod_Adrian_423Isopod_Adrian_423 Member Posts: 23
edited October 2021 in Suggestions and Requests
Ok so first of, the first parry/dex single player comp was…. Less unreliable then we thought. Sure it have us some revives and potions, but a very low amount of them. Kabam Mike has already confirmed about next Single comp. He didn’t reveal any details about it however. What could we players expect from it? A better ratio of Revives+Potions, or possibly another let down. We’re not asking for it to overflow our capacity of items (it would be helpful lol) we’re just asking for a little bit more of a reasonable amount from last time. I’m currently at the Kang boss and am not leaving the fight until this upcoming Wednesday, so I can heal my champs. Yes, I’m putting all my hope into them and to see if this compensation could be enough to defeat Kang. We’re not asking for a lot, we’re not asking for a little, we’re asking for something better than last time. Thanks :)


  • DresDres Member Posts: 39
    With the Kang fight being bugged as well, that package better be sweet.

    I would take damage or die when having enough bars or launching the required special. It was really an A** Pain to deal with. I submitted a ticket and still no reply from Kabam. Been about 4 days now. 🤔🤔🤔🤔
  • DresDres Member Posts: 39
    Weird. Trying to upload proof, but the video(s) is(are) not an option to upload. Their in my photos app but when I click to upload a file 🤔. kabam putting filter in my photo app?
  • JDubsJDubs Member Posts: 152
  • JDubsJDubs Member Posts: 152

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