4900 Prestige looking for bi-weekly or super active alliance after tonights ranked rewards

Hi, I'm looking for an alliance after AQ ends. I've been here for only 11 Months, 100% Act 5.1-2 and 1 run through 5.3. Working my way to get 1 path done in LOL. I consider myself quite skillful and I want to find an alliance to push my limits.

This is me:

* Champs : http://prntscr.com/gy4rrf / http://prntscr.com/gy4ryf / http://prntscr.com/gy4sl4
* Usual Map 6 AQ score: http://prntscr.com/gy4rhj
* T4CC Status : http://prntscr.com/gy4s4j

What I'm looking for:

* Bi-weeklyT4CC
* Max wars/week
* To hit the last milestone in the 3 days events. (I usualy put 3-10 times the minimus including arena),(maybe getting the ultimate crystal in the easier ones)

My in-game name: UltravioletMrz
Line ID : aursmrz
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