Help Button But Not the Usual Request

Tasty_Yum_YumsTasty_Yum_Yums Member Posts: 444 ★★★
As much as the player base would like to see a “Help All” or this feature to go away altogether, it looks like we’re stuck with it. Considering that, why do players even need to ask for Help? When would a player not want to have shortened refresh times and help with energy? Why not just make it an auto Help request when players use arena champs?


  • SuperAmirhamza07SuperAmirhamza07 Member Posts: 11
    Lol exactly
  • ShadowstrikeShadowstrike Member Posts: 3,115 ★★★★★
    It's the unfortunate middle ground that we're stuck with until the system can handle automatic help without causing anymore lag or further complications
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