RANK’s UP ! (Need Your Help)

Hello everyone !
I would like to receive advice on my future rank up in each class.
I currently own 4 T5CCs (Skill, Tech, Mystic and Cosmic), and unfortunately I still don't know which ranks up.
It is for this reason that I would like to have your opinion, via a poll.
(I play most of my time in suicide, except when I'm in AW, and I have 5/5 Mystic Mastery).


If you have "exotic" choices, don't hesitate to submit them to me!
I would like to receive advice on my future rank up in each class.
I currently own 4 T5CCs (Skill, Tech, Mystic and Cosmic), and unfortunately I still don't know which ranks up.
It is for this reason that I would like to have your opinion, via a poll.
(I play most of my time in suicide, except when I'm in AW, and I have 5/5 Mystic Mastery).


If you have "exotic" choices, don't hesitate to submit them to me!
RANK’s UP ! (Need Your Help) 21 votes
This list was made with my overall fun with the characters in mind, Cull might not be the best cosmic, but I love his damage.
And unfortunately I don't have Mysterio 🥲