Testing my hypothesis regarding Diablo’s sig ability

OakenshieldOakenshield Member Posts: 2,556 ★★★★★
Yesterday I was fortunate enough to awaken my R3 Diablo. Since then I’ve done some research on his sig ability and want to test my hypothesis around it to make sure I have properly assessed it.

It seems like it is an outstanding sig ability if you are running suicides much of the time - you would pretty much have 100% up time on it, and it provides some really great benefits both in defense and offense. When you combine that with how few Mystic champs require awakening at all, let alone high sig, it seems like Diablo is a great candidate for investing in a high sig.

If you are NOT running suicides much of the time, it is still nice to have, but given the reduced uptime (only when you get poisoned) it is probably not worth investing a bunch of sigs in.

Am I thinking about this right?


  • XanderayneXanderayne Member Posts: 29
    Sounds about right - as someone who runs suicides nearly 100% of the time I find the signature ability very valuable.

    Similarly I have boosted my r3 Diablo to sig 180. He is very tanky and one of my favorite champions to play post update (he is a map 7 staple for me in 2 of 3 variations)
  • SaquongoatSaquongoat Member Posts: 133 ★★
    If running suicides there is 100% uptime, causing him to take up to 30% less damage from EVERYTHING. Electro, degen, getting face smacked, all of it. And if you don’t care for prestige, him, Tigra, and Mojo are the only mystics who benefit from max sig, making him an amazing candidate for sigging up. I’d not running suicides, you shouldn’t touch Diablos sig. After r3ing my sig 120 6*, I still r5ed my sig 108 5*. He’s just that good, and I honestly believe he is the second best champ in game, behind quake but ahead of ghost. If you’re looking for Diablo gameplay, check out Apathetic God’s channel. Amazing stuff with him there.
  • BlxndyBlxndy Member Posts: 147 ★★
    I have Diablo at r2 and just awakened him. I am close to T5CC for mystic and have quite a few sigs to pump into him. You have defo helped with my opinion on taking him to r3!
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