This week SQ too difficult?

Before you dumbasses in the community think I'm complaining that it is too hard, let me clarify:
All I'm saying is, the rewards do not match the difficulty.
They can keep the difficulty, but should increase the rewards.
Let's face it. There ain't nothin' better than a good challenge, but only when it is coupled by apt rewards. The platpool event, and the gold offers were really good, but this month's SQ does not look so. To put things into perspective, it took me with r5 5* doom with 4/5 mystic dispersion, 175 hits to take down just the super skrull in the SQ, and that was arguably the easiest fight on the path. 3 more fights (terrax, korg, and a very very annoying annihilus boss) gives you very little rewards compared to how hard you worked, and the crude amount of time and hardwork you spent getting through the thing, even if you played perfectly and did it on your first go. I'm TB, and I'm hating legendary difficulty. On my worst try in epic, i barely got through the boss itemless, but it seems legendary is gonna eat up tons of revives. Which gets us back to.... (as if not you're hearing of it for the billionth time) THE PARRY BUG. You need to parry against Mojo and somewhat against terrax, and prolly more stuff I am missing. Speaking of terrax, remind me how many counters he has? Far as I know, only sorceror supreme can make the fight decent, and even then it's really difficult to not mess up just because of his sheer health pool. If he had a lower health pool, other champs like Kingpin would be durable. And the BOSS... oh god... Annihilus by himself is a pain. Annihilus when you only have 3 champs to use, plus bane plus fight or flight is even more annoying. AND when you take a side path, you can only bring 2 usable champs, and he has the HUGE health boost.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about just the difficulty by itself, that's doable. I am complaining about the inadequacy of the lackluster rewards. I would request Kabam to increase the future quests' rewards to match the difficulty, as I'm given to understand the difficulty shall also increase.
Meanwhile, if you have any tips on clearing legendary difficulty, please please tell me I want to minimize my item usage.
All I'm saying is, the rewards do not match the difficulty.
They can keep the difficulty, but should increase the rewards.
Let's face it. There ain't nothin' better than a good challenge, but only when it is coupled by apt rewards. The platpool event, and the gold offers were really good, but this month's SQ does not look so. To put things into perspective, it took me with r5 5* doom with 4/5 mystic dispersion, 175 hits to take down just the super skrull in the SQ, and that was arguably the easiest fight on the path. 3 more fights (terrax, korg, and a very very annoying annihilus boss) gives you very little rewards compared to how hard you worked, and the crude amount of time and hardwork you spent getting through the thing, even if you played perfectly and did it on your first go. I'm TB, and I'm hating legendary difficulty. On my worst try in epic, i barely got through the boss itemless, but it seems legendary is gonna eat up tons of revives. Which gets us back to.... (as if not you're hearing of it for the billionth time) THE PARRY BUG. You need to parry against Mojo and somewhat against terrax, and prolly more stuff I am missing. Speaking of terrax, remind me how many counters he has? Far as I know, only sorceror supreme can make the fight decent, and even then it's really difficult to not mess up just because of his sheer health pool. If he had a lower health pool, other champs like Kingpin would be durable. And the BOSS... oh god... Annihilus by himself is a pain. Annihilus when you only have 3 champs to use, plus bane plus fight or flight is even more annoying. AND when you take a side path, you can only bring 2 usable champs, and he has the HUGE health boost.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about just the difficulty by itself, that's doable. I am complaining about the inadequacy of the lackluster rewards. I would request Kabam to increase the future quests' rewards to match the difficulty, as I'm given to understand the difficulty shall also increase.
Meanwhile, if you have any tips on clearing legendary difficulty, please please tell me I want to minimize my item usage.
I don’t think this side quest is too difficult. I actually think it’s too easy. If they upped the difficulty then they would likely (or more accurately should) bump ip the rewards, which would make it more worthwhile.
The opponents on that first path for completion (the middle one) have around 350-400k health. They’re decently chunky. But they’re not too high health and they’re not really that challenging. I managed to explore legendary itemless, with using doom for most of it, as well as mags, torch and CGR for some fights.
As for the parry bug and stuff, It seems like every month it gets worse for me. However this month has actually been better. Still not 100% fixed but im definitely noticing that my parries land more often.
I hope you have fun with the other quests this month.
You’re Obviously Cappin
Anyway, I’ve been using r5s and r3s and it hasn’t been painful for either, both pretty easy. I guess if I was using 4*s for legendary then yes I can see where the difficulty is.
I don’t mind having 2/3 champs we have to fight with. As long as I’m bringing decent options for the fights, they’re fine. It’s when you have 1 or 2 champs that can’t counter a node or a champ on the path, where it becomes a problem.
Ghost + Wasp + Diablo for middle path.
For the middle path, I used Claire for Skrull, Doom for Korg, and Ghulk for Terrax. IMO side quest fights should not take 100+ hits with R3 attackers. Side paths were Torch and Doom and then pray I didn't get into a bad rhythm against Annihilus with Doom.