legends title even playing field suggestion

ive just finished the goldblums challenge and realized if i had the brand new apple device id have been able to compete
for the legends title pretty comfortably. but it seems unless you have the newest apple device you have absolutely no chance.
so why not have a timer in the fight. like in AQ and AW but it counts up instead of down. then your total in game fight time becomes your score for the challenge and get ranked based on that. that takes the loading time out of it completely and puts it solely on the player skill so android users and older apple devices have a chance. what do you guys think?
for the legends title pretty comfortably. but it seems unless you have the newest apple device you have absolutely no chance.
so why not have a timer in the fight. like in AQ and AW but it counts up instead of down. then your total in game fight time becomes your score for the challenge and get ranked based on that. that takes the loading time out of it completely and puts it solely on the player skill so android users and older apple devices have a chance. what do you guys think?
Really insightful post. Hope a mod checks it out
That, and also, they would lose a substantial amount of energy refill sales.
Never gonna happen.
What is the use of a legend title anyway, when everybody and their grandmother can be a legend ?
The extra rewards that go with it
IMO, there's no reward enough to let me play a few hours straight, but I can get that explanation. Thanks
not necessarily. because you have to have crazy suicides and boosts throughout you cant just take ages to do it. your boosts dont last long enough and its too expensive and difficult to get the better boosts. it would just cut out loading time as an issue thats about it
BRILLIANT IDEA. In that way you cannot put up combos with SL.
I am being sarcastic above. We dont need timer in the fights.
Do you mean a useless t4cc and t4b that even low key players can have expiring nowadays?
Next excuse!! Bajahahagahahaga
not really the purpose of this post. its a mode in the game so it needs to be fair for everyone to achieve. the rewards are irreverent. if you dont care about a legends title why are you in here commenting?
Hes a troll, don't feed him. He's trying to derail the thread.