
How are things tested?

For things like Book 2, Kabam, you put up a beta, take some feedback, and act on it before releasing the content.

I'm not pretending like that approach would be appropriate for monthly content, but could you please give us some insight on what is done to verify that Variant 8 Venompool boss is fair, or that monthly content is tuned to an appropriate level. Can you honestly say "sure yeah Kabam Employee X completed it using a roster that the average person who just finished 6.2 might have, maybe using an item or two, but was "fair"?

Releasing it and waiting for player outrage is not sustainable. There has to be some one or more people who's job literally is to complete it a few days to weeks before release and actually say... yep, that was fair, and the time/effort/reward balance seems right.
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