Why so difficult

I know the goal is to improve and rank up. To practice and get better, but damn, for those of us who are not “experts” at the game it would be nice to actually have a chance to finish the story line or the special quests without having to spend 10- 15 dollars each time. I’ve been playing for a long time, but I’m in no way perfect at playing. Would be nice to actually have a chance sometimes

No one forced you to finish it. Nor told you that you have to spend. Don’t blame your choices on someone else and be responsible.
You have a chance, in fact, many chances to finish the storyline or special quests. It’s called “getting better”.
Who cares anyway. It's just the same old same old. Go check out a movie or go to a park instead of this rat race lol.
KO in both places AQ was yesterday and it continues today too
Parry didn't made any aromor break on BPCW with using duped Thor