Angela or Phoenix to awaken

I've been saving a cosmic gem for when I eventually pull Hyperion but last night after finishing Goldblum I pull another cosmic gem from the crystal.
Then I pulled phoenix from a 4* crystal.
I have Angela or Phoenix to awaken and the chosen one can go to 5/50
Then I pulled phoenix from a 4* crystal.
I have Angela or Phoenix to awaken and the chosen one can go to 5/50
Care to expand?
My only other option is Gamora.
My other cosmics are all awakened
Cap/Ms Marvel
I have 2 cosmic gems and 1 generic
If you don't mind putting in some grinding you can have all three awakened.
If arena isn't your thing though, I'd still awaken Phoenix, if even just for the PI boost. Angela is the more useful champ but she doesn't need to be awakened.
Slow down there killer! Angela is on par with the Marvel clones and even surpasses them at times in damage! She’s got some oomph in her attack
Angela hits nowhere close to Phoenix. Heavy attack with Phoenix and watch how many stacks of incinerate along with with the stun and of course the number of fury’s and 3 Phoenix charged regenerate her back to full health oh and the armor breaks..
There are a lot better and more useful cosmic's who are dependent on being awakened. Should hold it for them or for future content.
I think I'll awaken Angela in arena and keep saving the gems for Hyperion and Medusa
Um no, lots of people I know and myself have done quite a bit of testing with various cosmic champions(drax, angela, thor, hyperion, medusa and phoenix) and Phoenix has nowhere near the damage output of angela. Against ROL winter soldier even while keeping up 7+ stacks of fury and 2 or 3 armor breaks she only does 50-65% of angela's DPS and its nearly impossible to keep phoenix at her peak of damage while angela you can keep at max damage infinitely without much trouble. Phoenix's stun is great and regen is nice but overall when you reach end game phoenix can't touch Angela in terms of usability other than prestige. Oh and 3 phoenix charges is only 30% regen at max sig level I have no idea idea where you got full health from