[KnFD] open alliance recruitment

Hello there, thanks for stopping by. I want to offer u a free offer of joining my alliance, and of course u may stay or leave whenever u want to(no one gets kicked by the way), This alliance is dedicated to people who simply just want a break from the game and not get kicked while at it. U can do whatever u want, be it progression or just simply being offline for a couple of days. The choice is yours, HT612 P.S if u do want to join search the id on the title or my name and u can join right away(it's open)


  • HSS75HSS75 Member Posts: 1,161 ★★★
    edited November 2021
    2nd P.s if u have trouble finding it ,the name of the alliance is Knights Of All Mighty Freedom
  • HSS75HSS75 Member Posts: 1,161 ★★★
    U can do whatever u want, u can chill
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