2 members Looking for Map 6 and Plat 4 alliance

My friend and I are looking for an alliance that is plat 4 and runs map 6 or 5 straight across with mods. We love war so alliance must be AW and AQ focused. Hit me up if interested line ID: ssjune91


  • June91June91 Member Posts: 18

  • EchoBravoEchoBravo Member Posts: 63
    Hey I know a place if looking
    [ISØ8S]- 69mill 12.5k prestige alliance looking for active, skilled US or EU player.

    • For AQ map 6 epic mods (over 490 mill )
    • AW platinum 3/4 wars tier 3/4

    • 12k prestige required (average prestige is 12,565)

    I need 1 possibly 2 players if it’s a group of 2 after this next war
    Line ID is mmikec1991
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