Map 6, G1 ally needs your help returning to glory

It's embarassing. We were 501 last week. Five hundred and first. Cue Darth Vader "Noooooooo" meme.
But with your help, we will be right back on track!
Play map 6 all 5
Play easy G1 wars
Ally prestige greater than 11k
You don't have to be that high to join.
Message me for more!
ally tag: ahvs
in game: captain katy
line: captainkaty (all one word)

But with your help, we will be right back on track!
Play map 6 all 5
Play easy G1 wars
Ally prestige greater than 11k
You don't have to be that high to join.
Message me for more!
ally tag: ahvs
in game: captain katy
line: captainkaty (all one word)