Korg shrugs off Magneto House of X’s passive stun from pre-fight

Unfortunately this is the second war in a row that while using Magneto House of X, with #hero tag, Korg is shrugging off his passive stun on node 23. I’ve noticed it since the start of the season, today for the second time. Before, with a lot of wars, never had this problem and the pre-fight always worked correctly. Looked on the forum and shortly after his re-balance this also was an issue last year, but up until now after it was patched always worked as it should. Please fix it.
From first time I deleted it, but could download again via Line. Unfortunately video now is a bit bugged and only shows half the screen, but you can still hear all the parry’s land and see “purified” with Korg recovering. So not the best video but still shows it.
Second time, from today, video is perfect.
So for some unknown reason, two times in two different wars, with a Korg on node 23 the ability didn’t apply, even after selecting it.